Sunday, April 12, 2015

Panamanian Snow Days and #Restored2k15

Obama shut down Panama because he came for the 7th Cumbre de Las Americas. Because the traffic patterns in the city are rough as it is the Government shut down school and work so people would be off the streets. We affectionately refer to these as Panamanian snow days! On this four day weekend I headed to the beach. It was well timed and well spent. The first two days were chill and quiet the second were #restored2k15

The youth group here had a girls retreat this weekend and I was so happy with the outcome. I was worried like a nut that it wouldn't work out. I mean Obama had the roads shut down and we had to caravan and what if there were too many girls or we left one. A million things and it was prefect. Everyone showed up and made it back in one piece. Some highlights of this weekend:

-a set of parents that  live in Costa Del Este made it safe even though the corredor sur was shut down (this is a big deal and they just moved here like 2 months ago)
-it was beautiful and sunny
-I got to do the first session, we talked about moving on and did some solo time
-we swam A LOT
-we had break out session for the girls about comparison, guilt, the Father's heart, transparency, courage, and giving God your best yes
-sweet mixed small group times
-yummy food
-dancing and singing to Taylor Swift at the top of our lungs
-night session was great, listened to Lisaaaaaa, had great worhsip time, great prayer time and all in the dark because the lights went out
-NIGHT SWIM with awesome pool lights and did the cupid shuffle in the pool (this was one of my happiest moments)
((((Maybe this link will help you visulaize... or not =))))
-morning work outs
-panel sessions
-didn't hit any traffic on the way home!!!

The most terrible small group picture ever

Lauren and I being super cute

SO good so much Jesus. I was just praying for freedom and peace and restoration. I was happy to see it.

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