Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Dreamer

My favorite book in the Bible is Genesis probably because it consists of my favorite story. The story of Joseph and his life have so many similarities to me. He (at first) was the youngest child. He was his dad's favorite ;-). He said things prematurely... (-_-). In every station of his life the favor of The Lord was with him and that granted him success. Also Joseph was a dreamer.

(If you look at my shirt it says DREAMER on it. Trin picked out my name and it was so appropriate.)

I spend a great deal of time daydreaming. Mostly about conversations I want to have with people or have had with people. When I'm not doing that I'm conjuring up some adventure. When an idea gets into my head and I can't stop day dreaming about it I take that as an indicator that I should act on it.
Volcan was a dream. Started as a huge dream and God gave it to me in its perfect package. At the end of the trip the kids (aka Tina) got me this necklace. 

It's a dream catcher. I shed a tear. God in that moment was letting me know that he approved of my dreaming.
I bought this key years ago at a little mountain side boutique in North Carolina. In my journal when I'm talking to The Lord or thinking things through I refer to endeavors and tasks as DREAMS. There's no way Trin knew that when she picked my name. That's what makes this so cool.

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